Thursday, November 13, 2014


Sometimes, it is quite refreshing to take a step back and reevaluate the pastimes you indulge in while your life is quickly slipping out of your grasp. Will the activities that you currently believe are of the utmost importance matter ten years from now? No? Don't bother. Will the people you think are essential to your well being still be there for you after college, a husband, and a couple kids? No? Don't waste your time. How about your precious social standing at your high school? No? Don't think twice about it. However, how will that party that you attend affect your future? How about the kids you hang out with? Do they point you in a positive direction, or are they constantly hindering you from achieving your goals? Do the activities you are partaking in represent the person in which you so desperately crave to become? When life seems to become a haze, and you are unsure of where to turn, take a step back, and remember who you are and where you want to be, because I promise you it will make a world of a difference. It certainly did in my life.

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